Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Science- Earth, Sun, and Moon (We are not studying the planets!)  Key items:
MISIC Benchmarks:
· S.04.02.01a   
Benchmark: Identifies the characteristics of the sun. Description: Students will define what the sun is and how it effects things on Earth.
  · S.04.02.01b   
Benchmark: Identifies the characteristics of the moon. Description: Students will explain the characteristics of the moon and identify how the moon relates to both the sun and Earth.   · S.04.02.01c   
Benchmark: Identifies the characteristics of the Earth. Description: Students will identify the layers, the rotation and how the Earth changes over time.        

Essential Questions
  • Why is the sun important to us?
  • Why is the moon important to us?
  • Why does the moon appear to change shape?
  • What is the difference between rotation and revolution?

  • rotate - to spin around.
  • axis - a real or imaginary line that a spionning object turns around.
  • gravity - the force of attraction betweeen any two objects due to their mass.
  • orbit - the path an object follows as it revolves
  • revolve - to move in a circular or nearly circular path around something else
  • star - a hot sphere of gases that gives off energy.
  • crescent moon - the shape the moon makes when it is less than half full (lit up).
  • waning moon - the time after full moon and before new moon when the moon seems to be getting smaller.
  • new moon - when the moon is in full shade and not visible or apearing only as a very thin cresent.
  • waxing moon - the phase between new moon and full moon when the moon seems to be getting bigger.


Long Division!!  This is hard and takes lots of practice!  Extra practice at home would be very beneficial!

Simple Division

Long division problem


Theme: Making a Difference;  Stories we have/ are reading:



SM - Making A Splash Scrapbooking Custom cut

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Current Content

Math: We are starting the age-old multiplication algorithm!!  We first learn how to do each part of the problem separately (expanded algorithm) before putting it all together.  Many adults did not learn the expanded algorithm and went straight to learning the standard algorithm.  If you have any questions on this, please let me know.  The next unit will be on the division algorithm.

Anthology for this week: 
Vocabulary- legendary, muttered, flinched, gaped, insult, and snickering
Comprehension skills- monitor comprehension, author's purpose, compare/ contrast, poetry
Grammar- singular and plural nouns
Fluency- Using good intonation and expression
Spelling/ Phonics- Digraphs
Writing- use good word choice to show actions

Science- We are plugging away in our Earth Materials unit!  Your child has learned the difference between rocks and minerals, how scientists can tell them apart/ how to identify them.  They have learned about the layers of the earth and plates in the Earth's crust.  They are having a lot of fun!

Slice through the Earth showing its layered, concentric shells.