Saturday, September 24, 2011


Writing:  We have been learning a lot about predicate expanders.  These tell more information about the predicate in a sentence.  A predicate tells the action of the subject.  Predicate expanders tell the when, why, where, and how of the predicate.  We have worked on mobility and moving them around in a sentence to make it more clear.  If a predicate expander is placed at the beginning of a sentence, it needs a comma after it.  We have also talked about sibstitute namers.  These rename a subject.  Example: Mrs. Freiberg = She OR desk = it.  However, we know that a substitute namer cannot be used unless the actual name has been used first.  Most importantly, all sentences needs a capitol letter at the beginning and stop sign at the end!!

Handwriting: Students need to make sure they are traveling on the line after letters and words.  They need to make sure all their letters are the same height.  They need to make sure they have correct spacing of letters and words. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

New post... finally!!

I'm sorry that it has taken so long to put up a new post!  Points of interest:


Math: We tested over Measurement, Time, and Temperature.  We are now in a unit on Measurement.  Time will fly with each math unit!  We will do a lesson a day.  We are also pre-testing for each unit to appropriately group students.  We will be focusing a lot on vocabulary.  Students should be practicing basic facts at home, while we continue to do Rocket Math at school.  There is math homework almost daily.

Writing: We have been reviewing and diagramming the parts of a sentence: subjects, predicates, subject describers, and predicate expanders.  We will begin to work on types of paragraphs.

Anthology: We have learned vocabulary, built background, read, and done comprehension activities for Akiak and Grandfather's Journey.  Ask your child to summarize these stories.  Also, we will have a spelling test every week (except for a few odd weeks here and there).  Your child is assigned spelling homework a couple times a week and tested at the end. 

Guided Reading: Each group has been working on reading while using specific strategies, such as predicting.  During independent time, students are reading chapter books, writing in a journal, reviewing cursive, and reading other content related to content themes (ex. Iowa History).

Social Studies: We are wrapping up our unit on Iowa History.  Students really enjoyed our Farm to Table field trip.  See the pictures below.  We will be taking another field trip on October 7 to Living History Farms.  Ask your child what they have learned about Iowa History!