Monday, May 16, 2011

Anthology Activity

For a comprehension activity to go along with our current anthology story, students had the following events and had to place them in the correct sequential order.  We will be using the correct order to practice writing a procedural paragraph. 

Catching and Preparing Salmon to Eat
Hooking Halibut and Making Tamuuq
Set a gill net
Bait the hook with salmon
Pull the net the next day
Attach heavy sinker to hook
Put on gloves
Hang line overboard
Separate fish
Wait and feel a tug on the line
Cut off the head
Give line a hard tug when fish nibble
Pull out the guts
Hold on and pull line in
Leave the skin and tail on
Slice halibut into strips
Leave scraps for scavengers
Hang up to dry
Put cleaned fish in the smokehouse
Wait ten days
Hang fish outside to cure
The tamuuq is ready to eat
The salmon is ready to eat


  1. I liked doing our paragraphs and doing our words in order because it helped us understand and remember the story a lot better. I liked that activity!

  2. If we didn't do that activity we would not get better at doing paragraphs.

  3. One of the steps for each of these are ,#1:Set a gill net, #2:Bait the hook with salmon.

  4. that seems like fun i cant wait to do that by sadie schulte in mrs. freibergs class

  5. hi that seems fun but gross do we have to do that i hope not

    by:sadie in mrs.freibergs class

  6. Are we gonna do that??????? bye!!!!!!!! P.S from:abbileni :) :)
