Thursday, April 28, 2011

Please Respond

Recently, students have used the following ways to respond to some short read alouds.  These sentence starters use a variety of reading strategies.  Students have enjoyed sharing their responses.

žI noticed…
žThis reminds me of…
žI wonder…
žA question I have is…
žI predict _______ because….
žI think…
žI am surprised that…
žI feel…
  • This is about…


  1. I'm going to tell you what some of the strategies mean in different words. I NOTICED is what you visualized. THIS REMINDS ME OF is what you can relate to in real life. THIS IS ABOUT is a summary of what you read. I WONDER is a question that you have. I THINK is a prediction.

  2. The one I like the most is I WONDER. Because you ask questions. That you stop in the middle I really like asking questions. Because usually in the middle it starts getting good.
