Friday, November 12, 2010

Anthology Update

Students are finishing work today on the story Tanya's Reunion.  They have learned the following vocabulary:
-pitches in
They have also learned how to make inferences.  You can ask your child the definitions of the vocabulary words and places in the story where they made an inference.  In addition, asking your child to summarize what they read is always a great idea!


  1. I definitly want a family reunion with all my family including my dad!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you, for reading Tanya's Reunion to us!! I like when Tanya finds the anishles of Grandma's and Grandpa's wood thing they carved when they were little!!!

  3. I want a family reunion like Tanya did with ALL my family!!!

  4. I liked this book alot!!

  5. I will want to have a BIG reunion! by Shakira

  6. Tanya's reunion was a good book one day when you were asking comprhention questions I raised my hand for every single question. I was really interested in this book.

  7. I really like this book it is a good book!!
