Monday, November 29, 2010

Math Topic 6

Math Topic 6 is a short unit!  We started it last Monday (22nd) and will be testing this Thursday.  It is called "Patterns and Expressions."  Students are learning:
  • variable- a symbol that stands for a number
  • algebraic expression- a mathematical phrase containing numbers or variables and at least one operation  example  d-12  or n x 2
  • Students will understand how to work with variables in a table. 
  • Students will study completed tables and determined a rule and write an expression using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.


  1. This is a fun math unit because, it challenges your brain and it is not hard but it does challenge your brain!

  2. I bet I will get 1 wrong or get 100% but, I hope I get 100% on math topic 6!!

  3. It is fun too use variables!

  4. Missed 2 DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
