Monday, December 6, 2010

Question Strategy

         A reading strategy that has been discussed in Guided Reading and will be reviewed today in Anthology is "Question."  Good readers will ask questions as they read about the characters, their feelings, events, author's purpose, etc.  A good question is not one that we already know the answer to or is unrelated to the plot of the story.  For example, "What color shirt will Karen wear to the dance?" is an unimportant question to helping us understand and remember a story.  "Will Mama make it safely back to the house?" would be a good question because the reader then wants to continue reading to find out the answer.  It's important to review the questions to see if they were answered. 
          You can ask your child what questions they have about their Guided Reading book or the Anthology story, A Very Important Day.  Were their questions answered? :)


  1. Question strategy is a good strategy because, you ask a question then you get to see if your question is right later in the book!!

  2. It's better to ask questions because you can understand the story better!!!!

  3. The dumb questions were easy to come up with.
