Friday, February 25, 2011

New Social Studies unit- The West

The varied West includes Alaska and Hawaii as well as Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada.  The Hawaiians were among the first people of the West although the islands did not become United States territory until the early 1900's.  With the discovery of gold in California in the late 1840's, the West experienced a surge in population.  Today the West continues to grow as industries such as film and high technology attract newcomers.  The growth presents challenges to the West as it tries to supply energy and transportation.

Map showing nine western states of the USGS Western Region


  1. I want to live in Hawaii!And i'm going to learn about.

  2. I can't wait until we learn about the West! It sounds like a good unit!! I want to live in California someday.

  3. Its good learning about the west because its the same learning about the Middle East just the same as the west.I LIKE THE WEST!!!!!!!

  4. I want to learn about Hawaii!!:)
