Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Canned Questions

After reading the story, My Name is Maria Isabel, students were asked the following comprehension questions.  As we discussed them, we also discussed where the answer was: in the book (right there OR think and search) or in my head (author and me OR on my own).  These would be good questions for parents to ask their child again to see if they can remember the story! :)

Why is the book Charlotte’s Web so important to Maria Isabel?

Why do you think Maria Isabel feels that she is “caught in a sticky, troublesome spider’s web of her own”?

Maria Isabel doesn’t tell her parents that she is upset.  Why do you think she keeps her feelings to herself?

How does writing the essay help Maria Isabel solve her problem?

If you had a difficult problem to solve, would you solve it he way Maria Isabel did, or would you choose a different way?  Explain.

What does My Name is Maria Isabel teach you about solving problems?

Why doesn’t Maria’s teacher call her by her real name?

Who are the only three kids who don’t have parts in the play?

How does Maria feel about not having a part in the play?

How does Maria comfort herself when she’s feeling upset about not being in the play?

Who does Maria compare her problems to?  Whose problem does she think is worse?

What did Maria do on the bus to make herself feel better?

Why doesn’t Maria tell her Mama and Papa that she is not in the pageant?

What did Maria do that helped her get a part in the pageant?


  1. I think that My name Maria Isabel is a good book!

  2. I like her full name,Maria Isabel Salazar Lopez.

  3. I like when we did the questions yesterday! It was really fun because we got to draw questions out of the basket. I also liked the questions because some were hard, some were easy, and some were medium. That was a fun thing we did!

  4. I liked those questions they were fun!

  5. the canned questions were so much fun!
